January 20, 2010


I have discovered that I simply LOVE colour.

Bright colours, pastel colours, moody broody colours!

I find that whenever I edit a photo, I end up enhancing it to the best use of colour I can...I rarely keep them like that, but it is always worth a try.

Here are a few that have made the grade in my eyes!


  1. I love these photos
    the colours in the staircase one are beautiful. such detail.
    and the girl eating the icecream is also a stand out with colours.
    i just worked out how to use Gimp and would love to know how to improve on colours.

  2. The little one eating the ice cream is my niece, Alyssa. That photo is a family favourite. Improving colour can be done in so many ways, depending on what program you have. I've never heard of Gimp though!
    It usually involves hue, saturation, brightness & contrast or one-step actions like 'vivid' if you have paintshop. Online you can find any number of tutorials for photo enhancement ideas!

